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So Long, Signature

So Long, Signature

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you are asked to sign for credit or debit transactions and sometimes not? Master Card, Visa, American Express and Discover have all recently removed the requirement that customers sign credit transaction slips. As a MasterCard...
When does PIN Debit Make Sense?

When does PIN Debit Make Sense?

Is it cheaper to run a debit card as a “credit card,” or to take a PIN Number? The Bottom Line: Debit cards are accepted two ways: “as a credit card” (called “signature debit,”) or with a PIN number (“PIN debit”) Traditionally, PIN debit transactions have cost...
Desormais Manifesto

Desormais Manifesto

“But I suppose the most revolutionary act one can engage in is… to tell the truth. ― Howard Zinn, Marx in SoHo: A Play on History “Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.” ― Philip K. Dick,...